MiracleBust is a breast enhancement product that is formulated from natural herbs and reports to help women grow bigger breasts that are healthy as well as beautiful.
This supplement is an alternative to risky and expense breast enhancement surgery; it is just one of the many products of this type available in the marketplace today.
The question is whether or not it is actually a viable alternative, or if it is yet another knock-off, cheap product that will leave you with the same bust line but far less money in your pocket.
MiracleBust Ingredients
Miracle Bust is comprised of several well known herbs that are said to help to increase bust size. The ingredients in the proprietary blend include:
- Sabal – increases breast size by supporting female hormone production including estrogen and progesterone, which encourages breast enlargement.
- Damiana – supports the nervous and hormonal systems to promote breast development. It also acts as an antioxidant that helps firm and tone existing breast tissue.
- Dong Quai – helps to balance hormones, improve glandular activity, aid in childbirth, regulate menstrual cycles, and assist with menopausal symptoms.
- Dandelion Root – restores hormone balances with and contains potassium, vitamin C, and B vitamins..
- Blessed Thistle – relieves painful menstruation and associated aches and pains.
- Fenugreek – regulates hormone that treats menopausal symptoms and balances the female system.
- Red Raspberry – supports the reproductive system and provides a good supply of iron and niacin.
- Wild Yam – promotes the production of natural progesterone and helps balance hormone levels eliminating painful PMS or menopausal symptoms and promoting breast growth.
- Mother’s Wort – treats the absence of menstruation, excessive blood flow during menstruation, and uterine health and it helps reduce swelling and water retention during hormone fluctuation.
About MiracleBust
MiracleBust, an herbal breast enhancement product, promises very dramatic results in as little as two to four weeks. The recommended long term usage is six to nine months. This product comes in tablets and is taken twice a day, three pills each time, morning and night.
They do not recommend changing your diet, however there is a suggestion to limit caffeine and alcohol intake as well as smoking to give the best results. If you take this pill for up to nine months, they report that your breast size can increase at least one to two cup sizes.
The obvious concern here for our expert panel was the fact that there is no evidence supporting the idea that you might see results in as little as two weeks. That is a very big claim for an all natural supplement, and one we do not take lightly. On top of that, it simply does not add up that the recommended usage is 6 to 9 months yet the money back guarantee only lasts for 90 days.
If the product can take 6 months to work, how will you ever know if you actually like it or are seeing results before the 90 day period is over?
MiracleBust Pros and Cons
This product is just one of many breast enhancement pills to hit the market recently. Their website makes high claims of a 85-90% success rate amongst their customers. This is a pretty bold statement which is great if it is true, but unfortunately through our review process we were unable to find any supporting evidence or testimonials to back up those claims.
The one month’s supply comes in around $55 which is near the higher end for this type of product. And when we know for sure a product is going to deliver what it promises then we have no problem in recommending the highest priced supplement.
But when we can’t substantiate basic claims, then the red flags start waving as far as we are concerned.
Other positive reported side effects of MiracleBust are reported to included reduced symptoms of PMS and menopause, which does make sense due to the standard ingredients which are being utilized but again without clinical trials or testimonials, we have nothing to base these claims on.
There is a money back 90 day satisfaction guarantee, which is fairly standard in this industry, unfortunately as previously mentioned this simply doesn’t make sense considering the fact that it can take 6-9 months for users of Miracle Bust to see results.
MiracleBust Review Conclusion
With the flurry of breast enhancement products available today the good news is that competition is heating up in the natural breast enlargement industry. That means you are left with more choices, which is always a good thing.
Unfortunately we have to be totally honest in our review of MiracleBust in that we just can’t find any proof that supports the promises made about this supplement. And with so many other tried and tested breast enhancement products out there that we know work, why would anyone take a chance on a product that is not even willing to publicize true customer satisfaction?
So in the case of Miracle Bust … we say it’s a bust alright and that you should keep on moving.