Avoid dangers of breast surgery!

What are The Real Dangers of Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast Augmentations are incredibly common these days. The general theme in the world today is – ‘Don’t like your body? Change it.’ Although it seems like a good solution, there are still significant risks that are posed by these surgeries, specifically by breast augmentations.

Are breast implants the next thing to make us attractive? It’s a question that many women (especially those with large breasts) have pondered.

While there are a host of different reasons why women choose to undergo a breast augmentation procedure, one of the main reasons is to make their breast look bigger and more attractive. However, breast augmentation surgery can actually be a riskier procedure than many women are led to believe.

In this article, I will talk about some of the dangers of breast augmentation surgery and ways that a woman can prepare.

Still, you need to remember there are plenty of other options and methods of breast enlargement that come without risks and side effects of breast augmentation. And yes, there are lots of risks in surgical breast enlargement!

Statistics of Breast Augmentation Surgeries

Plastic surgery is a booming business. Surgeons line up by the thousands every single day, creating almost anything you want. The reality is that one of the most popular surgeries out there – is breast augmentation. So how popular is breast enhancement?

  • There are over 1,000,000 breast surgeries performed every single year.
  • Women 19-34 make up approximately 50% of all the total surgeries.
  • Women 52 and up only make up 7% of all breast enhancement surgeries.
  • The average breast enhancement surgery is ~$3,500.

With these types of statistics, it’s undeniable that breast enhancement is a booming business. So if it’s so popular, how can there still be dangers? Simple. People want to believe that breast enhancement is a 100% safe procedure. Not only this, but the advertisers and surgeons out there want you to believe it’s safe as well! When everybody wants to believe something is safe, it’s easy to overlook the dark side.

The Dangers of Breast Augmentation Surgery

With every artificial enhancement to our body, the risks drastically increase. So what are the risks when it comes to breast enhancements? We’ll take a look at some of the most common risks.

Risks of Surgical Breast Enlargement

  • Unnatural Look of Breast – One of the most common side effects is the unnatural look that breast enhancements can create. Although many women might want larger breasts, very rarely will they want larger breasts at the expense of unnatural looking breasts.
  • Rippling Effect on Skin – As the skin is stretched from breast implants, it is very easy for a rippling effect to occur. This effect is noticeable on the sides of the breasts where the skin collapses upon itself from being stretched too thin.
  • Scar Tissue – There is almost always some form of visible scar tissue from breast enhancement. Of course, this creates a permanent mark that can damage the appearance of your body.

Of course these things aren’t going to be the first things you will hear in the doctor’s office. Plastic surgeons are some of the highest paid doctors in the country due to the nature of cosmetic surgeries. The general nature and corruption with cosmetic companies and doctors results in false advertisements on a regular basis.

Most people’s explanation for breast enhancement surgeries is that not only would they like to have larger breasts, but they also know someone that has had the surgery. This is understandable; however, there are over 35,000 breast implant removals per year, meaning that almost 4% of breast enlargement surgeries go so bad that they can’t even keep the implants!

Possible Side Effects of Breast Surgery

What are some other undesired effects of breast enhancements?

  • 10 Year Replacement – The surgeries all come with a time-line – meaning that they must be replaced every 10 years. With each replacement comes an increase in risk for a problem occurring. Not only this, but most people don’t want to be 40, 50, and 60 years old replacing breast implants – so generally at some point in time, they will decide to not replace it. This means that the body will be distorted from the years of having the implants.
  • Constant Massaging – Implants must be massaged every day and on a very consistent basis to avoid the hardening of breasts. Meaning, that if you develop arthritis – let’s hope you have somebody that you love!
  • Back Problems – This is one of the largest problems when it comes to breast enhancements. Back problems occur on a regular basis due to the irregular weight distribution on the body. The problem is that backs are meant to hold what is naturally there, rather than an artificial weight on the front of your body.
  • Infections – An often overlooked problem with breast enhancement surgeries are the infections that will often time set in. Not only do infections cause an intense amount of pain, but they can cause you to have to turn around and remove the breast implants as well.

Is Breast Enhancement Surgery for You?

Although there are numerous side effects and many risks to the procedure of breast enhancement, there are still numerous women every year that perform this surgery, whom are extremely happy with the results.

The most important aspect is to realize that breast augmentation is a much higher risk surgery than what doctors and advertisers will let on.

For many women, the thought of breast augmentation surgery might be associated with scars, loss of natural feminine shape, and most importantly, the loss of breasts. These surgeries are not meant for everyone, however, and it’s important to be sure that you know the risks involved and are choosing this surgery for the right reasons.

Find alternative options

If you are considering breast augmentation and have decided that there is no way that you will ever be happy with the size of your breasts – it is important to consider the more natural and less evasive breast enhancement methods first. For instance, there are numerous creams and pills out there that can create an effect on some women.

Although the changes might not always be drastic, sometimes they can be significant enough that they might be suitable. Most importantly, realize that there are multitudes of options to choose from prior to choosing surgery. Make the decision that is right for you.

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